Thanksgiving 2020 is quickly approaching – only days away – can you believe it? If you’re still unsure of what you want to pass at the table, here are a few ideas of dishes that I have made and published here on the website.
Thanksgiving Side Dishes
Creole Croutons (for your salad)
Cocktail Time!
Whether company is coming over or not, you’re gonna need a drink when this is all said and done. Here are some great specialty cocktail recipes from restaurants in New Orleans. Enjoy!
Thyme is on My Side
Garden Margarita
The Placeholder
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Keep the red beans cookin’!

Eric Olsson is the food blogger of He publishes new recipes and interviews weekly. He has developed recipes and written articles for the famous Camellia brand in New Orleans, Louisiana. He has been mentioned in Louisiana Cookin‘ magazine and has had recipes featured in Taste of Home magazine – with his Creole Turkey recipe being runner up in their annual Thanksgiving recipe contest. He lives outside of Detroit, Michigan, with his wife and four children.
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