First, trim the pork shoulder of any excess fat. Cut the pork into 1- to 2-inch pieces.
In a large bowl, mix together the rub: brown sugar, kosher salt, and cayenne pepper. Have 2 large ziplock bags ready (and make sure there are no holes in the bags since we'll be adding the brine to it). In small handfuls, dip the pork into the rub and make sure that they are lightly coated, then shake off any excess. Repeat this until all of the pork chunks have been coated. Then, set aside and let stand for about two hours for the pork to get to room temperature and the salt rub to kick in.
In a large saucepot, combine the apple cider vinegar, water, sliced onions, garlic, mustard seed, and bay leaves, and over MEDIUM-HIGH heat, bring to a boil; simmer for 5 minutes, then turn off the burner, set the pan aside, and let it cool down.
Once the pork has sat for two hours and the brine is now cool to the touch, carefully pour the liquid into the two ziplock bags. Once all the liquid is in the ziplock bags, squeeze out as much air as you possibly can and tightly seal the bags. To avoid any messy spills or mishaps, place the bags in a large bowl and refrigerate. The pork will sit here for 7 days, but you need to flip the bags once a day.
After 7 days, remove the pork from the brine. I separated the pork into four 1-pound bags. It will last two weeks in the fridge, so, keep out what you plan on using right away and freeze the rest until their time has come.